Reporting Station : Leesburg / Godfrey, VA

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Gale Watch

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 03:46 EST

Gale Watch
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 03:46 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 03:46 EST Valid Until 02/17/2025 16:00 EST

* WHAT. For the Small Craft Advisory, northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. For the Gale Watch, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt possible. * WHERE. Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD. * WHEN. For the Small Craft Advisory, until noon EST today. For the Gale Watch, from Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS. Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels.

Gale Watch

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 03:46 EST

Gale Watch
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 03:46 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 03:46 EST Valid Until 02/17/2025 16:00 EST

* WHAT. For the Small Craft Advisory, northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 25 kt. For the Gale Watch, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt possible. * WHERE. Chesapeake Bay north of Sandy Point MD, Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD, Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor, and Chester River to Queenstown MD. * WHEN. For the Small Craft Advisory, until noon EST today. For the Gale Watch, from Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS. Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels.

Winter Weather Advisory

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 04:20 EST

Winter Weather Advisory
Issued By NWS State College PA Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 04:20 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 04:20 EST Valid Until 02/16/2025 01:00 EST

* WHAT. Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations between a glaze and one tenth of an inch. * WHERE. A portion of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN. From 11 AM Saturday to 1 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS. Plan on slippery road conditions.

Gale Watch

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 11:55 EST

Gale Watch
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 11:55 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 11:55 EST Valid Until 02/17/2025 16:00 EST

* WHAT. For the Small Craft Advisory, northwest winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. For the Gale Watch, west winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt possible. * WHERE. Chesapeake Bay north of Sandy Point MD, Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD, Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor, and Chester River to Queenstown MD. * WHEN. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 3 PM EST this afternoon. For the Gale Watch, from Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS. Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels.

Gale Watch

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 11:55 EST

Gale Watch
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 11:55 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 11:55 EST Valid Until 02/17/2025 16:00 EST

* WHAT. For the Small Craft Advisory, northwest wind 10 to 15 kt with gusts up to 20 kt. For the Gale Watch, west winds 10 to 20 kt with gusts up to 35 kt possible. * WHERE. Tidal Potomac from Indian Head to Cobb Island MD. * WHEN. For the Small Craft Advisory, until 3 PM EST this afternoon. For the Gale Watch, from Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS. Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels.

Gale Watch

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 14:55 EST

Gale Watch
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 14:55 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 14:55 EST Valid Until 02/17/2025 16:00 EST

* WHAT. West winds 20 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt possible. * WHERE. Chesapeake Bay north of North Beach MD, Tidal Potomac from Key Bridge to Indian Head MD, Patapsco River including Baltimore Harbor, Chester River to Queenstown MD, and Eastern Bay. * WHEN. From Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS. Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels.

Gale Watch

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 14:55 EST

Gale Watch
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 14:55 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 14:55 EST Valid Until 02/17/2025 16:00 EST

* WHAT. West winds 15 to 25 kt with gusts up to 35 kt and waves 2 to 4 ft possible. * WHERE. Tidal Potomac River from Indian Head MD to Smith Point VA, Chesapeake Bay from North Beach MD to Smith Point VA, Choptank River to Cambridge MD and the Little Choptank River, Patuxent River to Broomes Island MD, and Tangier Sound and the inland waters surrounding Bloodsworth Island. * WHEN. From Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon. * IMPACTS. Strong winds can cause hazardous waves which could capsize or damage vessels.

Winter Weather Advisory

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 14:22 EST

Winter Weather Advisory
Issued By NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 14:22 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 14:22 EST Valid Until 02/15/2025 19:00 EST

* WHAT. Mixed precipitation expected. Ice accumulations will average one to two tenths of an inch in the higher elevations. Snow and sleet accumulations less than one inch are possible in portions of north central and western Maryland. * WHERE. Portions of north central and western Maryland, central, northwest, and western Virginia, and the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. * WHEN. From 10 AM to 7 PM EST Saturday. * IMPACTS. Plan on slippery road conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses. The greatest ice accretions will be on elevated surfaces. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS. Precipitation may start as a brief period of snow and/or sleet across north central and western Maryland and portions of the eastern panhandle of West Virginia Saturday morning. Precipitation will change over to freezing rain in those locations by afternoon. Further south, precipitation is expected to start as freezing rain. - Freezing rain impacts will mainly be confined to higher elevations, with primarily rain in the valleys. In general, little to no ice accumulation is expected below 1000 feet. A glaze of freezing rain is expected above 1000 feet, with more significant accretions between one tenth and one quarter of an inch are expected above 1500 feet (further north), and above 2000 feet (further south).

Winter Weather Advisory

Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 13:25 EST

Winter Weather Advisory
Issued By NWS State College PA Broadcast Time 02/14/2025 13:25 EST
Issuing Time 02/14/2025 13:25 EST Valid Until 02/16/2025 01:00 EST

* WHAT. Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations up to one inch and ice accumulations around one tenth of an inch. * WHERE. A portion of central Pennsylvania. * WHEN. From 11 AM Saturday to 1 AM EST Sunday. * IMPACTS. Plan on slippery road conditions. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS. Ridgetops will see higher ice totals ranging from one quarter inch to one third of an inch.

MyForecast Advisories are proprietary, forecasted advisories intended to warn of anticipated severe weather conditions that may occur over the next 24 hours.
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